Opportunity for Better
Clinton Township Career Center
Submitted by Janice Loftis
Carrie gives thanks to Macomb/St. Clair Michigan Works! for her new career in the transportation industry as a car hauler.
Employed for over twelve years in retail, Carrie enjoyed her coworkers and customers but she felt that she was never going to earn enough money to support her family and still have a financial cushion.
Working with a career planner she identified truck driving as the path to lead her to financial stability. Eligible for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training and with braided grant funding, Carrie received 100% tuition assistance. Following two months of short-term training with U.S. Truck Driver Training School, Carrie earned the CDL A credential. Soon after, she was employed by Cassens Transport Company as a car hauler and a Teamster member.
According to Carrie, “The positive effects that Michigan Works! has had on my life is immeasurable. I would never have been able to support my family and build a better future without utilizing this amazing organization! I have been given the opportunity to be a better me!”