The Future is Electric

Prepare for the Future of Michigan with Careers in Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles - An Opportunity

As the world of automotive mobility and electrification continues to grow and develop, investments in manufacturing, technology and testing are leading to significant growth, expanding opportunities for companies, investors and workers.

Michigan is positioning itself to be at the center of automotive mobility and electrification growth by proactively preparing the talent needed for current, emerging and future jobs. Macomb/St. Clair Michigan Works! (M/SC MW!) is leading the way in Macomb County, we’re preparing to respond to specific knowledge and skill demands of the automotive mobility and electrification industry and prepare job seekers for the future. M/SC MW! will help facilitate with employers pre- and post-hire education and training in technologies supporting these industries. The employers M/SC MW! works with will provide critical input to shape current and future education and training offerings.

Michigan is Leading the Way

Michigan has seen great success in convening employer-led education and workforce partnerships in which employers are much more than advisors or beneficiaries. Instead, they are end customers of talent supply chains. Using this end-to-end talent management process gives employers a framework for how to get organized and to better communicate industry needs to education and workforce development partners. ELCs play a critical role for employers and the larger public-private partnerships with which they engage. ELCs organize data on their most critical workforce needs to share with partners and manage talent supply chains to improve recruitment and retention of a skilled workforce. 

Through strategic partnerships comprised of employers, educators, workforce development, economic development, and other stakeholders, an accessible platform that accelerates the capacity to develop and align education and training curriculum with the industry’s rapidly growing talent needs is being created. This talent pipeline management strategy will collaboratively build supply chain-based high performing industry, education and workforce partnerships that deliver a measurable return on investment for employers, their talent sourcing partners and most importantly, learners.


How Can Michigan Works! Help Me?


We can help prepare job seekers for emerging technologies in connected, autonomous, lightweight. hybrid, electric alternative fule and other advanced vehicle technology through rapid/accelerated training and re-training.


With employer participation and demand increasing everyday, Michigan Works! along with its State partners, multiple statewide employers, 7 Michigan Works! regions, 10 community colleges and 23 other workforce and community partners, are here to help you make the connections you need to start a career in EV. 

For Employers

M/SC MW! and its partners talent pipeline management strategy will address employers’ most critical workforce needs for in-demand and emerging occupations. The strategy applies demand planning and aligning education and training programs. The implementation of the strategy facilitates recruitment, training, placement, and retention solutions. This approach will develop and initiate an academy focused on closing skill gaps by building a value stream map, mapping competencies, developing curricula to align with employer demand, developing scorecards, and aligning workforce resources to optimize success in building a mobility workforce pipeline with that includes historically under-served populations. The Academy will create a diverse, skilled, and robust mobility and electrification industry talent pipeline across Michigan.

If you’re interested in working with M/SC MW! as an employer visit our Employer specific page and fill out our contact form and you’ll hear from us soon!