On-the-job Training Leads to Full-Time Employment
In September 2019, the Young Professionals were first introduced to Matao B. when he contacted the Michigan Works! Career Center looking for full-time employment. He was a motivated nineteen-year-old but lacked work experience. Matao was soon involved in an on-the-job training opportunity earning $12 per hour as a materials handler. He successfully completed the 480-hour […]
MAP+ Pre-Apprenticeship 2021
MAP+ Pre-Apprenticeship and Young Professionals program leading to careers in Skilled Trades, Manufacturing, Apprenticeship Earn Industrial-Readiness certificate + 9 credits from Macomb Community College Classes: August 23 – December 18, 2021/ Fall 2021 semester MUST BE 18-24 YEARS OLD. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA/GED NOT REQUIRED VIRTUAL CLASSWORK Training modules can be completed at any time during […]
Career in Trades Leads to More Opportunities For Young Professional
In Spring 2019, Justin was wrapping up his senior year in high school and hadn’t decided what he would do after graduation. His dad, a welder, had encouraged him to pursue a career in the trades. Justin liked the idea but needed assistance in putting a plan together. His high school hosted a ‘College and […]
MAP+ Pre-Apprenticeship

MAP+ Pre-Apprenticeship and Young Professionals program leading to careers in Skilled Trades, Manufacturing, Apprenticeship Earn Industrial-Readiness certificate + 9 credits from Macomb Community College Classes: August 17 – December 12, 2020/ Fall 2020 semester MUST BE 18-24 YEARS OLD. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA/GED NOT REQUIRED VIRTUAL CLASSWORK Training modules can be completed at any time during […]
A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Knowing exactly where she wanted to go with her career, Shantel came to the Warren Michigan Works! Career Center with a plan in November of 2017. All that was holding her back from starting the plan was the lack of finances to enroll in training. Employed as a certified nurse assistant, twenty-four-year-old Shantel met with […]
The Pay Off For Time Invested

Ayuba quickly moved through the eligibility and suitability phase and was registered within weeks. His first empowerment activity was mock interviewing with the Michigan Works! team. He enjoyed the interviewing activity and requested additional opportunities to increase his skills. Ayuba also gained valuable tips for a professional résumé, as well as how to complete cover […]