Career Begins with Job Training

Glenzell. Macomb St Clair Michigan Works, Success Stories

Career Begins with Job Training

Warren Career Center
Submitted by Marsha Fulton

With a history of working what he referred to as dead-end jobs, Glenzell came to Michigan Works! looking for assistance to begin a career. The twenty-four-year-old enrolled with the Michigan Works! Young Professionals and working with the in-house tutor, began to prep for the GED. Eleven weeks later, Glenzell successfully passed all the exams and earned the GED high school equivalency credential. With tuition assistance provided through the Michigan Learning and Education Advancement Program (MiLEAP) and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Glenzell attend- ed CDL-A training at 160 Driving Academy. Completing the course and obtaining his commercial driver’s license, Glenzell was hired as a full-time driver with Cassens Transport Company at a wage of $28.54 hourly.

In Glenzell’s words, “I did not finish high school because I wanted to start earning money so I could afford some of the nicer things in life. I knew that I was tired of working dead-end jobs, I wanted a career. I wanted to be an influence on others around me and show them that even if you didn’t finish school, it’s never too late to turn your life around and get your GED and that job you want.”